
When I grow up

Monkey on her back

A post by Laurie, over at Crazy Aunt Purl about professions she might like to have got me to thinking. What would I like to do if I wasn’t doing my current job?

Some jobs I might like are:

Hair dresser
Professional shopper
Make up artist
Professional organizer
Professional reader (books, magazines, blogs)
Lady Who Lunches
Owner of knitting/quilting/scrapbooking shop in the hill country town my parents live in

It’s interesting to me that several of these jobs could still be considered design. I guess it’s in my blood. Of course the last two jobs are ones I made up, but it could happen if I won the lottery or got visited by a genie or something equally bizarre. Right. Right?

Speaking of shopping, I went on a bit of a fabric bender this weekend. No projects in mind really, just fabrics I adored. I also have a package coming from The Fat Quarter Shop. Those fabrics are for a project I have in mind, but I can’t post about it because it’s a secret. Also, since I am most likely to not actually complete the project I’d rather not disappoint.

New fabrics