

Today is April 20th. 420 that is. That wikipedia entry says that 420 is a discreet way to reference pot/pot culture. Discreet my ass. Maybe if you don't know what it means. For a very long time I didn't. Being a late bloomer and all I didn't try pot until I was in my late 20s. It's not my thing.

If I was going to do drugs, I'd rather do speed because then I might actually quit the lazy and get some stuff done. Also, every company I've worked for has required drug testing to get hired and then the threat of random testing. In the nearly 4 years I've worked at my current company there has been one drug test. Guess who was selected "randomly"? Me. See the kind of luck I have. How bad would it suck to get fired to for that?

One of my friends got fired for calling her boss an anal retentive lunatic in an email to another coworker. I know it's still traumatic for her but it makes me laugh and laugh. But it was true. That woman had been my boss at one point too and once proudly told me that she didn't read (not as in being illiterate just that she chose not to read)! WHAT?!

Enough rambling. I've got to go to work. yay.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I should be ashamed to say this or not...but...I didn't know what 420 means...and I have yet to smoke pot. As much as I probably need it every afternoon about 4:00!
