
Thank God for rubber gloves!

possum feet

Lulu brought a present in from the rain. At first, I thought she'd been sick and left a disgusting gray pile of shit on the living room floor for me. But no, it's a baby possum. Thank god I have issues with touching raw poultry and have a stash of rubber gloves. Paper towels would not be enough to pick this thing up. And like any good blogger, of course I had to take pictures to share with my faithful readers (and random googlers).

rip baby possum

Now I must borrow the humane trap again because where there is one baby possum, there are surely 10 others.


  1. All I can say is...eeewwwwwwwwwww

  2. Ewwwww. The neighborhood street cat(s) left us a big dead mouse last week. Ick.
