
Ramblings about blisters and such

Yesterday, I took Lulu for a walk along our usual route. My shoes are kind of new, but not that new, so maybe it was my socks that gave me a small blister on my heel. After that, I went to the gym. The blister didn't hurt that much and since I do the elliptical, I figured I be okay. Wrong. It didn't start hurting until tonight but oh my god, the pain. My family thinks I'm a big baby, and usually I am, but seriously, this hurts. Think that stinging pain you get from a tattoo before the endorphins kick in.

Hmmmm, okay that's not a good analogy for those of you lacking ink. Oh! Digression: another thing to add to my If I had $1,000,000 list--more ink.

Think the stinging of a bad sun burn.

Speaking of sun burns....or rather the damage they cause 25 years later (how am I old enough to have had something happen to me over 25 years ago? but I digress)...

When I was at the doctor (my GP) last week, just for a check up before she takes off for 4 months, she made a not happy face at a dark freckle I have on the side of my hairline. It's been there for several years and I even had a dermatologist look at it last year. That doctor didn't seem worried. But if my regular doctor is, well it makes me worry just a wee wincey bit. (yes, dad, I'm making up words again). Plus, part of it does look darker.

Nearly six years ago my GP cut a spot out of my arm that turned out to be pre-cancerous. She was worried about it enough to send me to a dermatologist, who cut out even more and left me with a nasty scar. I almost wish I was blogging back then because I would have had the best grossest picture to show ya'll. My entire upper left bicep bruised up and looked like a raw steak. I got woozy the first time I had to change the dressing. It was awesome.

So I guess I need to go back to the derm and have it looked at. If anything requiring cutting, or stitches or anything else gross happens I'll be sure to let you know.


  1. do keep an eye on it and have the 'derm' look at it. Hoping no gross photos are required. ;)

  2. Oh, yes, all the gory details, please. An photos. Sinan has sprouted a weird little thing in his ear. I can see it, he can't, but it'S STARING ME in the face when I sit next to him, and I'm like "Get that thing REMOVED, man!" ewwwwwwww...He is very fair skinned (doesn't tan at all, how is that for a Turk), so who knows what the neck this thing is...Bist to go to the doctor and get these things taken care of.

  3. i once had a raw steak scar, too. hopefully it all turns out okay.

  4. Oooooooo! I wanna see your arm next time I'm there! ha!
