
I Smell Dead People

As often happens in the spring, I am plagued by tension headaches. Or so I thought. Turns out they are actually migraines. Most of the time they are just a nuisance, but lately they have me smelling things.

So this morning, as I try to shake off the sleep and pad into the kitchen for water, I smell something. Something dead. I look around for another possum present, but don't see anything. Lulu pleads the 5th. There's nothing to be found, so I guess it's going to be another fun headache day. Just shoot me now!

1 comment:

  1. We've been watching a lot of "House" lately. Migraines that make you smell things...hmmm...sounds like Cushings...That must be very strange. And Lulu must get tired of blaming it on her...
