
Not enough time! (long rambly free association post)

People. There are 425 blog posts for me to read. Did I not saying I was going to be out of town? Haven't I been trying to spend less time online--crazy, I know, but it needs to happen. Tonight, the tv has even been turned off for over an hour! I had to turn it off because I just finished watching the 5th episode of season 4 of Six Feet Under. The One Where Something Bad Happens to David (aka That's My Dog). I love this show! Do you love it? And I'm sad because that was the last episode on the dvd and now I have to mail it back to Netflix and wait unti Tuesday or Wednesday to get the next one! And then that means that I'm that much closer to finishing the series, which only had 5 seasons, and then what? Then there's not Project Runway, no Six Feet Under. Thank god Medium started again.

I watch too much television. Let me tell you a story. When I was little, around 5 I think because Kristin hadn't been born yet, my parents had a garage sale. At this sale there was a tiny b&w tv. I begged for it. How bad did I want a tv in my room? So very badly. They relented but the very first time I turned it on, it died. So said. No Smurfs in the bedroom for me. You see, the tv in the living room was on the same wall as their bedroom and on Saturday mornings I had to keep it very quiet. My favorite thing was to make myself a bowl of cheerios and sit on the window sill to watch my cartoons. I would sit on the window sill because the sofas weren't close enough to the tv and we had these old dining room chairs with cane seats that were scratcy and lion heads on the ends of the arms that creeped me out.

One Saturday morning cartoon I wanted to watch so much was a Dungeon & Dragons one. I think that these kids somehow get sucked into cartoon land and the dog became a unicorn. But I don't know because I was not allowed to watch it because my parents though it was "evil". All I cared about was the unicorn. I was unicorn obsessed.

Oooh! Oh! Another tv show I really liked but wasn't supposed to watch (but was often able to sneak) was Fantasy Island. Love Boat was also not supposed to be watched, but by that point in the evening my dad would go back into the master bedroom and put his nose in a book and my mom was too tired of dealing with my sister and I bickering all day to turn it off. It wasn't until last year that I found out that cruise ships....not near as cool as the show made them seem.

Other Forbidden But Watched shows included:

Dukes of Hazzard--I would call my sister the same derogatory things the sheriff called Roscoe.

Dallas--hello! drinking! pre-marital sex! oh my. But as soon as the theme song came on I'd be shakin' my little 7 year old booty away. I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader in the worst way.

Falcon Crest--mom liked this show so I got to stay up late to watch

Soap Operas--my mom watched the ABC soaps and I did too. I remember the summer that I was 6 and Kristin was just a baby...it would make me mad when she'd cry while I was trying to watch. At noon was All My Children, 1pm One Life to Live and then at 2pm General Hospital. After that we'd go to the swimming pool and snack on melted oreos and warm lemonade. Good times.

Okay, enough rambling. Ugly Betty is calling me from the DVR.

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