
It's hard to ask for help

The past few days have been emotionally trying. Getting the puppy, determining that that was not such a hot idea, and Lulu disappearing for nearly an hour just about did me in. My mom happened to call on Thursday night and through the blubber of tears I said "I need Dad's help".

I'm not one to ask for help. It's not that I think I can do everything, at least not consciously, but it just never occurs to me that I don't have to do it all myself. This is something that's being covered in therapy. Apparently, I have very high, unrealistic expectations for myself and when I don't live up to them anxiety and depression set in. It was a good session.

Anyway, back to my story.

So mom and dad came over this morning and dad busted his ass fixing my fence so that Lulu can not escape anymore. It was not particularly hard work, but it was hot and humid. While he and I did that, mom busied herself sweeping up grass clippings and trimming bushes.

My parents rock.

Mom and Dad dance

1 comment:

  1. You're right, your parents rock.

    Hope things are going better.
