
Are you kidding me?!

Today at lunch I decided to run a quick errand to Target to pick up toilet paper and a light bulb for the kitchen sink (woooo, exciting, I know). Of course, as I'm toting my giant thing of tp across the store in search of the bulb and talking on my cell phone (can I not go to lunch in peace, people? it's just office furniture. We're not saving the world here! anyway, I digress) I am stopped in my tracks by a display of Christmas cards. It's bad enough that the Halloween candy is already out but Christmas cards?! It's not even October yet!

I only looked at them for a second and some of them were cute but since I have at least half a dozen boxes and supplies to make hundreds at home I do not need to buy any. My shopping finger was itchy though. Buying toilet paper and a light bulb is really no fun at all.

1 comment:

  1. it's so true that christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. soon, we won't have any other holiday.
