

Sad. So very sad. These people are protesting the fact that their children, who did not pass the TAKS, will not be allowed to walk the stage at graduation. According to my sister, the teacher, these kids start taking the test in 10th grade. So they have 3 times to pass. Now look at the spelling on that sign. It's just sad.


  1. It's OUR...OUR people, come on. Get it right. See. Their kids shouldn't get to walk if they cannot pass this test. Please tell me the news people pointed out the incorrect word choice?

  2. Aaaaahhh! I hate to see stuff like this. Are/our, then/than, there/their - people think spelling isn't important, but we are talking about communication, people! And I guess spending a certain number of hours in school ENTITLES you to a diploma, whether you've actually learned something or not. Grrrrr.
