
Have I lost my mind?

Yesterday, I went to the movies to see Waitress. It was very good. It made me want to make pie. Or just eat some. Whichever. Since I was there, I decided to treat myself to some popcorn and soda. Don't ask me what I was thinking, getting a medium of both! The soda was so large I had to use both hands to lift it out of the cup holder as if I were a child. Seriously. And yes, I did drink it all (even if it did taste a bit flat). Also, I ate most of the giant feed bag of popcorn too. Don't tell my hot trainer.

But seriously, I think I have lost my mind because I can not find my umbrella. I have searched all over the house, the car, and the garage and it is nowhere to be found. You see, it's been raining here as if in preparation for the next Great Flood for like a week and I actually need to use it. I can even see it, lying half open somewhere, in my mind. But where that actually is, I do not know. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. In the old car that you traded in??

    Glad you enjoyed the movie.
