
You're Invited

I'm throwing a party and you're all invited. What kind of party? A pity party!

Pity because:

~I can no longer drink carbonated beverages due to taking Topamax (for my headaches). It makes them taste flat and funky. Of course, I didn't realize this was an issue until after I bought two boxes of diet Coke and diet Dr. Pepper. This might go away in a few weeks but it might not.

~I'm in between clothing sizes, so all my pants are too big and the next size down is too small.

~All my shoes hurt my feet. Even the gold plated trainers I purchased last weekend. Thank goodness I bought them at Nordstroms, who took them back without question. All I want is shoes that aren't ugly and won't hurt my feet. So far, if they don't hurt my feet they are ugly and, to make it even worse, they are often very expensive.


  1. you have gold plated trainers?!

  2. You left out some little details...like when and where? We'll throw it together and it'll be twice as fun...double the pity, double the fun! lol!
