
How bad could it be?


This afternoon I got my first speeding ticket in North Carolina. I knew better. It's a holiday weekend. But you know me, Leadfoot Lizzy. Anyway, I do not understand this whole "points" thing they have here because I never heard of any points when I was in Texas.

In Texas, when you get a ticket, you suffer through Defense Driving and then the ticket doesn't go on your insurance. From what I can tell, that is not an option here. The State Trooper told me that if my driving record was clean (it is, at least in NC. My last ticket in Texas was in 2007) I could go to court on an appointed date in January and ask for leniency. Who knows what that really means.

But really, how bad could it be for the ticket to go on my record? When I ran over that guy in the parking lot* my rates barely went up.

*Relax, he was fine. I backed into him when he walked behind my car.

PS...I was not going 167. If I had been I would be posting from inside the Wake County jail.

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