
Happy Birthday!

2008 marks the 40th birthday of the office cubicle. You would think we would celebrate this fact at my office because without such a creation our jobs would not exist (in case you don't know I design office systems. That sounds nicer than cubicles doesn't it?) but we have no cake and I feel like that youtube kitty. I would tell you about the company that is credited with be the creater of the cubicle but frankly, they are our competitor so I'm not going to. Google it if you must.

In 2001 Dilbert creater Scott Adams teamed up with IDEO.com to design Dilbert's perfect cubicle. You can read the article from CNN here.

People really hate cubes/cubicles/OOLs(I hear this one a lot from government agency employees. I think it means open office layouts?). Apparently, I'm just strange enough to like them. There are days when I would really like to be able to go into my own office and shut the door but for the most part I am able to zone out and ignore what is going on around me. I get in a zone, click click clicking away. Just me and my mouse...designing more cubicles for you to enjoy.

I stumbled upon My Life in a Cube, which is a blog of cartoons about what else, life in a cube. Funny stuff. I can totally relate to this one. Some days I have to break out my fingerless "hobo" gloves.

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